Friday, 18 March 2011

The Simpsons #3


             Marge's behaviour in Season 1 is at times downright unreasonable. She seems far more willing to forgive herself than to forgive Homer - as I recall this changes later as Homer becomes less put upon and more jerkish. But by the end of Season 1, we've been given at least two episodes in which Marge flies off the handle for some of Homer's milder antics. Case in point - the Bellydancer episode in which Homer boogies with a dancer at his friend's bachelor party. ONE episode prior, Marge genuinely considered cheating on Homer, and actually began the journey to he cuckolder's apartment before changing her mind at a convenient crossroads. Maybe it's her guilt over this earlier incident that leads her to react so strongly to a pretty innocent act on Homer's part, or maybe she just holds Homer to higher standards than she does himself. Maybe she thinks Homer is so lucky to have her that he shouldn't even consider a glance at another woman. In the last episode of the season (and one of the best), she is easily swayed by Dr Marvin Monroe that Homer is the cause of all of her woes, and is all ready to ball him out when he gets home - but for what? Season One Homer is nothing but a doting father, husband and mild buffoon.

               I'm about to start Season Two. Looking at the episodes, it contains some pretty great Early Simpsons, including the one where Bart, Milhouse and Martin buy the comic book together and the Ringo Starr cameo. It's really not too long until Classic Simpsons territory now. I was trying to think of the golden age episodes I was most looking forward to, and at the moment the fear of flying episode tops the list, if mostly for the Homer-centric opening act, and the Cheers cameos.

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